Mathematics and Computation

A blog about mathematics for computers

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Posts in the category Teaching

This semester my colleague Jaka Smrekar and I are teaching a graduate course on homotopy theory and homotopy type theory. The first part was taught by Jaka and was a nice review of classical homotopy theory leading up to Quillen model categories. In the second part I am covering basic homotopy type theory.

The course materials are available at the GitHub repository homotopy-type-theory-course. The homotopy type theory lectures are also recorded on video.

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I have had the honor to lecture at the Oregon Programming Language Summer School 2018 on the topic of algebraic effects and handlers. The notes, materials and the lectures are available online:

I gave four lectures which started with the mathematics of algebraic theories, explained how they can be used to model computational effects, how we make a programming language out of them, and how to program with handlers.

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We are looking for two PhD students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. The programme starts in October 2017 and lasts three years. The positions will be fully funded (subject to approval by the funding agency). The candidates should have a Master's degree in mathematics or computer science. No knowledge of Slovene is required.

The first PhD student will be advised by dr. Andrej Bauer. The topic of research is foundations of type theory. The candidate should have interest in mathematical aspects of type theory, and familiarity with proof assistants is desirable.

The second PhD student will be advised by dr. Matija Pretnar. The topic of research is the theory of programming languages with a focus on computational effects. The candidate should have interest in both the mathematical foundations and practical implementation of programming languages.

Candidates should send their applications as soon as possible, but no later than the end of April, to Andrej Bauer or Matija Pretnar, depending on their primary interest. Please include a short CV, academic record, and a statement of interest.

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It is my pleasure to announce the new and improved Programming languages Zoo, a potpourri of miniature but fully functioning programming language implementations. The new zoo has a decent web site, it is now hosted on GitHub, and the source code was cleaned up. Many thanks to Matija Pretnar for all the work.

The purpose of the zoo is to demonstrate design and implementation techniques, from dirty practical details to lofty theoretical considerations:

There is still a lot of room for improvement and new languages. Contributions are welcome!


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Agda Writer

My student Marko Koležnik is about to finish his Master's degree in Mathematics at the University of Ljubljana. He implemented Agda Writer, a graphical user interface  for the Agda proof assistant on the OS X platform. As he puts it, the main advantage of Agda Writer is no Emacs, but the list of cool features is a bit longer:

Agda Writer is open source. Everybody is welcome to help out and participate on the Agda Writer repository.

Who is Agda Writer for? Obviously for students, mathematicians, and other potential users who were not born with Emacs hard-wired into their brains. It is great for teaching Agda as you do not have to spend two weeks explaining Emacs. The only drawback is that it is limited to OS X. Someone should write equivalent Windows and Linux applications. Then perhaps proof assistants will have a chance of being more widely adopted.

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I am looking for a PhD student in mathematics. Full tuition & stipend will be provided for a period of three years, which is also the official length of the programme. The topic of research is somewhat flexible and varies from constructive models of homotopy type theory to development of a programming language for a proof assistant based on dependent type theory, see the short summary of the Effmath project for a more detailed description.

The candidate should have as many of the following desiderata as possible, and at the very least a master's degree (or an equivalent one):

  1. a master's degree in mathematics, with good knowledge of computer science
  2. a master's degree in computer science, with good knowledge of mathematics
  3. experience with functional programming
  4. experience with proof assistants
  5. familiarity with homotopy type theory

The student will officially enrol in October 2015 at the University of Ljubljana. No knowledge of Slovene is required. However, it is possible, and even desirable, to start with the actual work (and stipend) earlier, as soon as in the spring of 2015. The candidates should contact me by email as soon as possible. Please include a short CV and a statement of interest.

Update 2015-03-28: the position has been taken.

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The pullback lemma

I remember how hard it was to assimilate category theory when I was a student. A beginning student on is asking for a solution to a basic lemma about pullbacks. It really is the sort of thing one should do by oneself. Nevertheless, here it is, in gory details.

Download: pullback.pdf

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Video lectures as screencasts

Last year I participated in a project whose goal was to record at low cost my lectures on video and put them on-line. Since the most expensive parts of recording are having a camera man and manual post production, we set up a static camera and just uploaded raw video online at As you can see for yourself, the sound is good (I wore a microphone) but the whiteboard is mostly illegible. In addition, it took about two weeks for the lectures to show up on-line because there were men-in-the-middle. So that got me thinking whether there was a better way.

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Postsby categoryby yearall