Posts in the year 2020
Every proof assistant: introducing – a proof assistant for geometrical higher category theory
- 24 November 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
After a short pause, our next talk in the series will be given by Jamie Vicary, who will present a proof assistant in which the proofs are drawn!
→ continue readingIntroducing A proof assistant for geometrical higher category theory
Time: Thursday, November 26, 2020 from 15:00 to 16:00 (Central European Time, UTC+1)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Jamie Vicary (University of Cambridge)
Proof assistant: homotopy.ioAbstract:
Weak higher categories can be difficult to work with algebraically, with the weak structure potentially leading to considerable bureaucracy. Conjecturally, every weak infty-category is equivalent to a "semistrict" one, in which unitors and associators are trivial; such a setting might reduce the burden of constructing large proofs. In this talk, I will present the proof assistant, which allows direct construction of composites in a finitely-generated semistrict (infty,infty)-category. The terms of the proof assistant have a geometrical interpretation as string diagrams, and interaction with the proof assistant is entirely geometrical, by clicking and dragging with the mouse, completely unlike more traditional computer algebra systems. I will give an outline of the underlying theoretical foundations, and demonstrate use of the proof assistant to construct some nontrivial homotopies, rendered in 2d and 3d. I will close with some speculations about the possible interaction of such a system with more traditional type-theoretical approaches. (Joint work with Lukas Heidemann, Nick Hu and David Reutter.)
- David Reutter, Jamie Vicary: High-level methods for homotopy construction in associative n-categories, arXiv:1902.03831 preprint, February 2019.
- at Lab
A general definition of dependent type theories
- 14 September 2020
- Publications, Type theory
The preprint version of the paper A general definition of dependent type theories has finally appeared on the arXiv! Over three years ago Peter Lumsdaine invited me to work on the topic, which I gladly accepted, and dragged my student Philipp Haselwarter into it. We set out to give an answer to the queation:
What is type theory, precisely?
At least for me the motivation to work on such a thankless topic came from Vladimir Voevodsky, who would ask the question to type-theoretic audiences. Some took him to be a troll and others a newcomer who just had to learn more type theory. I was among the latter, but eventually the question got through to me – I could point to any number of specific examples of type theories, but not a comprehensive and mathematically precise definition of the general concept.
It is too easy to dismiss the question by claiming that type theory is an open-ended concept which therefore cannot be completely captured by any mathematical definition. Of course it is open-ended, but it does not follow at all that we should not even attempt to define it. If geometers were equally fatalistic about the open-ended notion of space we would never have had modern geometry, topology, sheaves – heck, half of 20th century mathematics would not be there!
Of course, we are neither the first nor the last to give a definition of type theory, and that is how things should be. We claim no priority or supremacy over other definitions and views of type theory. Our approach could perhaps be described as "concrete" and "proof-theoretic":
- We wanted to stay close to traditional syntax.
- We gave a complete and precise definition.
- We aimed for a level of generality that allows useful meta-theory of a wide range of type theories.
One can argue each of the above points, and we have done so among ourselves many times. Nevertheless, I feel that we have accomplished something worthwhile – but the ultimate judges will be our readers, or lack of them. You are kindly invited to take a look at the paper.
Download PDF:
I should not forget to mention that Peter, with modest help from Philipp and me,
formalized almost the entire paper in Coq! See the repository
Every proof assistant: Cubical Agda – A Dependently Typed Programming Language with Univalence and Higher Inductive Types
- 10 September 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
I am happy to announce that we are restarting the "Every proof assistants" series of talks with Anders Mörtberg who will talk about Cubical Agda. Note that we are moving the seminar time to a more reasonable hour, at least as far as the working people in Europe are concerned.
Cubical Agda: A Dependently Typed Programming Language with Univalence and Higher Inductive Types
Time: Thursday, September 17, 2020 from 15:00 to 16:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)
Proof assistant: Cubical AgdaAbstract: The dependently typed programming language Agda has recently been extended with a cubical mode which provides extensionality principles for reasoning about equality, such as function and propositional extensionality. These principles are typically added axiomatically to proof assistants based on dependent type theory which disrupts the constructive properties of these systems. Cubical type theory provides a solution by giving computational meaning to Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations, in particular to the univalence axiom and higher inductive types. In the talk I will discuss how Agda was extended to a full-blown proof assistant with native support for univalence and a general schema of higher inductive types. I will also show a variety of examples of how to use Cubical Agda in practice to reason about mathematics and computer science.
The talk video recording is available.
We have more talks in store, but we will space them out a bit to give slots to our local seminar.
→ continue readingEvery proof assistant: Cur - Designing a less devious proof assistant
- 22 June 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
We shall finish the semester with a "Every proof assistant" talk by William Bowman. Note that we start an hour later than usual, at 17:00 UTC+2.
Cur: Designing a less devious proof assistant
Time: Thursday, June 25, 2020 from 17:00 to 18:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: William J. Bowman (University of British Columbia)
Proof assistant: CurAbstract:
Dijkstra said that our tools can have a profound and devious influence on our thinking. I find this especially true of modern proof assistants, with "devious" out-weighing "profound". Cur is an experiment in design that aims to be less devious. The design emphasizes language extension, syntax manipulation, and DSL construction and integration. This enables the user to be in charge of how they think, rather than requiring the user to contort their thinking to that of the proof assistant. In this talk, my goal is to convince you that you want similar capabilities in a proof assistant, and explain and demonstrate Cur's attempt at solving the problem.
The talk video recording and slides with notes and demo code are available.
Upcoming talks: Anders Mörtberg's talk on Cubical Agda will take place in September 2020.
→ continue readingEvery proof assistant: Epigram 2 - Autopsy, Obituary, Apology
- 09 June 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
This week shall witness a performance by Conor McBride.
Epigram 2: Autopsy, Obituary, Apology
Time: Thursday, June 11, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
Proof assistant: Epigram 2Abstract: "A good pilot is one with the same number of take-offs and landings." runs the old joke, which makes me a very bad pilot indeed. The Epigram 2 project was repeatedly restarted several times in the late 2000s and never even reached cruising altitude. This talk is absolutely not an attempt to persuade you to start using it. Rather, it is an exploration of the ideas which drove it: proof irrelevant observational equality, first class datatype descriptions, nontrivial equational theories for neutral terms. We may yet live to see such things. Although the programming language elaborator never happened, the underlying proof engine was accessible via an imperative interface called "Cochon": we did manage some interesting constructions, at least one of which I can walk through. I'll also explore the reasons, human and technological, why the thing did not survive the long dark.
Upcoming talks:
- June 25, 2020: William J. Bowman, Cur
- July 2, 2020: Anders Mörtberg - Cubical Agda
Every proof assistant: redtt
- 01 June 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
This week the speaker will be Jon Sterling, and we are getting two proof assistants for the price of one!
and the future of Cartesian cubical type theoryTime: Thursday, June 4, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Jon Sterling (Carnegie Mellon University)
Proof assistant: redtt and coolttAbstract:
is an interactive proof assistant for Cartesian cubical type theory, a version of Martin-Löf type theory featuring computational versions of function extensionality, higher inductive types, and univalence. Building on ideas from Epigram, Agda, and Idris,redtt
introduces a new cubical take on interactive proof development with holes. We will first introduce the basics of cubical type theory and then dive into an interactive demonstration ofredtt
’s features and its mathematical library.After this we will catch a first public glimpse of the future of
, a new prototype that our team is building currently code-named “cooltt
introduces syntax to split on disjunctions of cofibrations in arbitrary positions, implementing the full definitional eta law for disjunction. Whilecooltt
is still in the early stages, it already has full support for univalence and cubical interactive proof development.
Upcoming talks:
- June 11, 2020: Conor McBride - Epigram 2
- June 25, 2020: William J. Bowman, Cur
- July 2, 2020: Anders Mörtberg - Cubical Agda
Every proof assistant: Beluga
- 25 May 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
We are marching on with the Every proof assistant series!
Mechanizing Meta-Theory in Beluga
Time: Thursday, May 28, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)
Proof assistant: BelugaAbstract: Mechanizing formal systems, given via axioms and inference rules, together with proofs about them plays an important role in establishing trust in formal developments. In this talk, I will survey the proof environment Beluga. To specify formal systems and represent derivations within them, Beluga relies on the logical framework LF; to reason about formal systems, Beluga provides a dependently typed functional language for implementing (co)inductive proofs about derivation trees as (co)recursive functions following the Curry-Howard isomorphism. Key to this approach is the ability to model derivation trees that depend on a context of assumptions using a generalization of the logical framework LF, i.e. contextual LF which supports first-class contexts and simultaneous substitutions.
Our experience demonstrated that Beluga enables direct and compact mechanizations of the meta-theory of formal systems, in particular programming languages and logics.
Upcoming talks:
- June 4, 2020: Jon Sterling - redtt
- June 11, 2020: Conor McBride - Epigram 2
- June 25, 2020: William J. Bowman, Cur
- July 2, 2020: Anders Mörtberg - Cubical Agda
Every proof assistant: MMT
- 15 May 2020
- Talks, Every proof assistant
I am happy to announce the next seminar in the "Every proof assistant" series.
MMT: A Foundation-Independent Logical System
Time: Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)
Location: online at Zoom ID 989 0478 8985
Speaker: Florian Rabe (University of Erlangen)
Proof assistant: The MMT Language and SystemAbstract: Logical frameworks are meta-logics for defining other logics. MMT follows this approach but abstracts even further: it avoids committing to any foundational features like function types or propositions. All MMT algorithms are parametric in a set of rules, which are self-contained objects plugged in by the language designer. That results in a framework general enough to develop many formal systems including other logical frameworks in it, enabling the rapidly prototyping of new language features.
Despite this high level of generality, it is possible to develop sophisticated results in MMT. The current release includes, e.g., parsing, type reconstruction, module system, IDE-style editor, and interactive library browser. MMT is systematically designed to be extensible, providing multiple APIs and plugin interfaces, and thus provides a versatile infrastructure for system development and integration.
This talk gives an overview of the current state of MMT and its future challenges. Examples are drawn from the LATIN project, a long-running project of building a modular, highly inter-related suite of formalizations of logics and related formal systems.
The spring schedule of talks is planned as follows:
- May 28, 2020: Brigitte Pientka - Beluga
- June 4, 2020: Jon Sterling - redtt (to be confirmed)
- June 11, 2020: Conor McBride - Epigram 2
- June 25, 2020: William J. Bowman, Cur
- July 2, 2020: Anders Mörtberg - Cubical Agda
Every proof assistant: Arend
- 28 April 2020
- Talks, News, Every proof assistant
For a while now I have been contemplating a series of seminars titled "Every proof assistant" that would be devoted to all the different proof assistants out there. Apart from the established ones (Isabelle/HOL, Coq, Agda, Lean), there are other interesting experimental proof assistants, and some that are still under development, or just proofs of concept. I would like to know more about them, and I suspect I am not the only one.
→ continue reading (10 comments)