Mathematics and Computation

A blog about mathematics for computers


I have found a good way to write math in web pages. ASCIIMathML is a piece of javascript that translates simple-minded Latex-like ASCII math to MathML, but only if the browser supports MathML. Since the input syntax is very simple, the expressions are quite readable in the raw form, as well.

For example, if I type

`forall x in RR exists y in CC. (1-x^2 )/sqrt(1+y^4)=1`

it is seen as `forall x in RR exists y in CC. (1-x^2 )/sqrt(1+y^4)=1`. If you are going to post to the blog, you may be interested in the ASCIIMathML syntax reference page.

To enable MathML on your computer, install mathplayer plugin
if you are using Internet Explorer. For Firefox and Mozilla, you have to install math fonts.



ASCIIMathML rocks! I've just started using it on my webpage.

Anthony To

[...] blog, I suppose I should write more about Computer Science. To do that, first I followed the steps of our friendly alum Andrej Bauer and installed ASCIIMathML. The actual syntax of [...]

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